APAHA Scholarship 2024
The number and value of Asian Pacific American Heritage Association (APAHA) scholarships available each year will be determined by the APAHA Board of Directors. The minimum scholarship award will be $1,000. Scholarships are funded by the proceeds of the prior APAHA gala and by generous donors.
PURPOSE: To ensure the education of our youth beyond the high school level and others who are continuing their education dedicated to sharing the knowledge about Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be of Asian American or Pacific Islander descent; be a graduating high school senior, pursuing education beyond the high school level; have primary residence in the greater Houston area; and have a commitment to increasing the knowledge about Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and helping the Asian and Pacific Islander communities.
SELECTION CRITERIA: The scholarship committee shall consider the following, including but not limited to: purpose and use of the scholarship funds, individual’s scholarship, leadership, civic and community involvement, and how the applicant might benefit from receiving scholarship funds. Indication of financial need may be considered. Completion and submission of required application materials and evidence of acceptance in an institution of higher learning are required.
The scholarship committee shall determine the relative weight given to each criterion. A personal interview may be required.
SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE: The APAHA Board of Directors will appoint the scholarship committee annually. These individuals may be chosen from the APAHA board and non-board members.
APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE: Applications and criteria will be disseminated to APAHA members and other community organizations during the month of April or an application may be downloaded from www.apaha.org.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: The completed application forms and supporting documents must be scanned into one document and emailed to ed@apaha.org by Friday, April 5, 2024.
For more information, please contact Sofia Sheikh at: ed@apaha.org.
NOTIFICATION OF SCHOLARSHIP AWARD: Recipients will be notified on or before mid-April 2024
REPORTING REQUIREMENT: At the end of the semester the APAHA Scholarship is used, recipients must provide a written report to the APAHA Board of Directors on how funds were used.
Check out previous years' scholarship recipients.